
Design Studio Web Page

Let's get started!

01. Step

Before we get to work we need to decide how are web page is gonna look. So here is the basic concept:

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It will be 850px in width.

02. Step

Create a new document, size 1024x1080, add a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) named "background" , fill it with any color and under Gradient Overlay in Blending Options apply the following settings:

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Color Midpoint must be closer to the right Color Stop!

03. Step

Create a new set and name it "header". From now we will work in this "folder".

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Using Rounded Rectangle Tool (radius: 5px) draw header. It should be 850x200 px, about 30px from the top. Rasterize it, reduce opacity to 65% and apply these blending options:

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Name it "header".

04. Step

Create a new layer (still in "header" set) and name it "ref" (short for reflection). Select Elliptical Marquee Tool, click on point 1 and drag it to point 2:

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Fill that selection with #FFFFFF, then press Ctrl+D to deselect it. Click once on the layer "header" on the right side (layer box) while holding Ctrl. Layer "header" should be selected now. Press Shift+Ctrl+I or go Select > Inverse to inverse selection. Select layer "ref" (just click once on it in the right menu) and press delete on your keyboard. Now reduce opacity to 6%.

Your header should now look like this:

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Add your logo on the left (i used Sun 1 shape from Custom Shape Tool), write web site name next to it (i used Verdana - 18pt) and under it short description (Verdana - 11pt). Logo and site name have Outer Glow on them (color: #FBB1FF).

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05. Step

Layer set "header" is now finished. Create a new layer set and name it "hor_menu".

Using Rounded Rectangle Tool (radius: 5px) draw horizontal menu. It should be 850x35 px, about 20px under the header. Rasterize it, reduce opacity to 50% (name it "horizontal") and apply these blending options:

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It should look like this:

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Now click on the layer "horizontal" (in the right menu) while holding Ctrl to load selection.

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Using Rectangular Marquee Tool deselect the lower half of that selection (hold Alt key). Create a new layer, name it "ref" and fill that selection with #FFFFFF. Reduce opacity to 6%.

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Using Visitor TT2 font write the categories of your web page on it (still in "hor_menu" layer set). Size 16pt.

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06. Step

Now we are going to add some effect to the right. I used free stock picture (credit: sweetaslemons). Click here to open it and then save it on your hard drive. This effect looks cool and is actually really easy to make. It was created using an application called Apophysis. I will do a special tutorial on how to make effect like that so be sure to check back in a few days.

Import that effect (JPG file) into your project, set blend mode to Lighten and position it right. Layer "effect" needs to be under layer set "header" and "hor_menu".

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Copy layer "effect01″ and move it above "hor_menu" layer set. Make the following selection and then press delete (layer "effect01_copy" must be selected).

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Now it looks like the effect is coming under the "header" and above "hor_menu". Next, make following selection using Rectangular Marquee Tool and delete that selection on layers "effect01″ and "effect01_copy".

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07. Step

Create a new layer set and name it body. Using Rounded Rectangle Tool (radius: 5px) draw the body. It should be 600x620 px, about 30px under the horizontal menu. Rasterize it, fill it with #000000, set blend mode to Lighten and under Blending Options make Stroke 1px #595C5F.

On the top we will put some kind of AJAX image rotator that will display best artwork with short description. So using Rounded Rectangle Tool (radius: 5px) draw the shape of the rotator. It should be 565x265. Put some image inside and a short description just for example.

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Under it using Rounded Rectangle Tool (radius: 5px) draw shape similar to the one below, fill it with any color and apply the following Gradient settings under Blending Mode:

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Name that layer "gray_bar". Create reflection for it like you did for horizontal menu, add some text and the body is finished. You can add text container using Rectangular Marquee Tool. Fill it with #323335 and stroke #87888A 1px.

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08. Step

Now create a new layer set and name it "right_column". Using Rounded Rectangle Tool (radius: 5px) draw the right column. It should be 240x620 px, about 30px under the horizontal menu. Rasterize it, fill it with #000000, set blend mode to Lighten and under Blending Options make Stroke 1px #595C5F.

Copy the "gray bar" from the body layer set, write "Random artwork" on it (Visitor TT2 16pt). There you can put thumbnails of your pictures.

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Add "Poll" and the "Archive" the same way you did "random artwork".

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09. Step

Create a new layer set and name it "footer". Using Rounded Rectangle Tool (radius: 5px) the footer. It should be 850x158 px, about 30px under the body. Rasterize it, fill it with any color and apply these blending options:


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Stroke: 1px, opacity: 27%, color: #FFFFFF.

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Using 18px Georgia (#C594C1) write down some months just for example, and under them names of the articles.

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Using Line Tool draw a straight line under them and put your copyright there. On the right you can add small banner that links to your partners/friends web site.

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That's it! Hope you have learned something!

Design Studio Web Page Tutorial: Final Result

Portfolio Layout #10

Right lets get started, create a new document 800x750 pixels double click your background layer then press ok when the box pops up. Your background layer should now be unlocked and editable. Add this gradient overlay to your background layer.

Portfolio Layout #10 image 1

At the top of your canvas create a rectangle about 33 pixels in height and the same width as the canvas, you can create the rectangle using the rectangular marquee tool or the rectangle tool. Fill your rectangle with any color then add these layer styles.

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You should have something like this.

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Select the rounded rectangle tool with a radius of 10px, Draw out a fairly decent size rectangle, move the rectangle to the top of your canvas on the left.

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Right click the rectangle and goto "fill path" color doesnt matter at this time. Then select the pen tool, right click your rectangle and goto "delete path". Add these layer styles to your rectangle.

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Set layer blending mode to 50%, you should have something like this.

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Inside the box add your name and the word digital portfolio, the font i used is arial with a style of black (after bold). On the right hand side in the little bar add your portfolio sections.

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With the rounded rectangle tool once more create a bigish rectangle underneath everything eles.

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Add these layer styles to get it looking like mine.

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For this next bit we need to make a diagonal lines pattern, create a new document 25x25 pixels copy the pattern below.

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Once you've copied the pattern got to "edit > define pattern" Close your document and head back over to your original document, create a new layer above your content box layer. Click the little thumbnail image in your content box layer whilst holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard this should load a selection. Select your new layer and the paint bucket tool at the top of your document change foreground to pattern, select your pattern from the drop down box and fill your selection. Set layer opacity to 21% and give the pattern a white color overlay from within the layer styles window. You should have something like this.

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With the rounded rectangle again create another rectangle inside your big rectangle.

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Add these layer styles to your inner rectangle to match mine.

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Click the thumbnail in your layers palette on the inner rectangle layer whilst holding the Ctrl key, this will load the selection. Goto "select > modify > contract". Contract the selection by 8 pixels. Copy your desired thumbnail preview to the clipboard, now goto "edit > paste into", your desired image will now be pasted within the boundaries of your selection.

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Add a simple inner glow to your thumbnail image user the settings below.

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On the right side of your image add your descriptive text, title, created date and the program your created it in.

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Duplicate all the content layers as required, although you only really need one as it can be duplicated using CSS when coded. Duplicate your top bar and drag to the bottom of the canvas, add your copyright information with the bar. Your end result should look something like this.

Portfolio Layout #10 Tutorial: Final Result

In the next tutorial il show you how to code this into a working CSS website.