
Create a tower defense game in AS3

Step 1: Setting Up a Level

The tower defense genre is one that has become extremely popular over the years. Although they can become quite complicated to develop, they are almost always very fun to play. I am here to walk you through the creation of one of these games. Let us begin, shall we?

In this section of the tutorial, we’re going to set up the roads and stuff onto the stage. However, the first thing we need to do is create a blank flash document with a black background with the frames per second set at 24.

Now, we have to create two classes. In order to do this, simply create two external ActionScript files by selecting File -> New -> ActionScript File, twice. The first class we’ll create is one for an empty block that towers can be placed in. Add the following code to it:

//importing required classes for this to work
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
public class EmptyBlock extends MovieClip{//defining the class as EmptyBlock
private var _root:MovieClip;//creating a _root variable to access root easily

public function EmptyBlock(){//this function will always run once EmptyBlock is called
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, beginClass);//create a function that will run once
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrameEvents);//create a enterFrame function
private function beginClass(e:Event):void{
_root = MovieClip(root);//setting the _root as the root level

this.buttonMode = true;//make this act like a button
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, thisMouseOver);//adding function for mouseOver
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, thisMouseOut);//adding function for mouseOut
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, thisClick);//adding function for clicking
private function eFrameEvents(e:Event):void{
if(_root.gameOver){//remove this and listeners if game is over
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrameEvents);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, thisMouseOver);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, thisMouseOut);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, thisClick);
private function thisMouseOver(e:MouseEvent):void{
//changing the background so the user know's it's clickable
private function thisMouseOut(e:MouseEvent):void{
//changing the background back
private function thisClick(e:MouseEvent):void{
//we'll add code that'll make a turret be made later

I’ve commented the code extensively if you need any explanation. Now, save this file as “EmptyBlock.as” in the same folder as your source .fla file. Now, take the second external ActionScript file. We will turn this into a special block which will act as a marker for the road. There are going to be 6 types of this special block, the four different directional notifiers, and the start and finish block. They won’t look any different than any other block, but they will be very important later. Add this code to that second class:

import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class DirectBlock extends MovieClip{//we'll call it a DirectBlock
private var _root:MovieClip;//again, defining a _root
private var directType:String;//what kind of special block is this

//this time, we have to accept some values to make it easier to place, like the type and coordinates
public function DirectBlock(type:String,xVal:int,yVal:int){
directType = type;//set the directType so that all other functions can use it
//add the required event listeners
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, beginClass);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);

//setting the coordinates
this.x = xVal;
this.y = yVal;
private function beginClass(e:Event):void{
_root = MovieClip(root);//setting the _root again

//making this into a 25x25 square
private function eFrame(e:Event):void{
if(_root.gameOver == true){//destroy this if the game's over
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);
//we'll add more code to this later

This will just set up the blocks. Now, we must return back to the main .fla file. Create a new layer to place actions in, and add the following code:


//setting vars to step in for turns and special blocks
var S:String = 'START';
var F:String = 'FINISH';
var U:String = 'UP';
var R:String = 'RIGHT';
var D:String = 'DOWN';
var L:String = 'LEFT';

var startDir:String;//the direction the enemies go when they enter
var finDir:String;//the direction the enemies go when they exit
var startCoord:int;//the coordinates of the beginning of the road
var lvlArray:Array = new Array();//this array will hold the formatting of the roads

lvlArray = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,

//the names of these variables explain what they do
var currentLvl:int = 1;
var gameOver:Boolean = false;

function startGame():void{//we'll run this function every time a new level begins
//right now we don't have any code

var roadHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();//create an object that will hold all parts of the road
addChild(roadHolder);//add it to the stage
function makeRoad():void{
var row:int = 0;//the current row we're working on
var block;//this will act as the block that we're placing down
for(var i:int=0;i<lvlArray.length;i++){//creating a loop that'll go through the level array
if(lvlArray[i] == 0){//if the current index is set to 0
block = new EmptyBlock();//create a gray empty block
//and set the coordinates to be relative to the place in the array
block.x= (i-row*22)*25;
block.y = row*25;
} else if(lvlArray[i] == 1){//if there is supposed to be a row
//just add a box that will be a darker color and won't have any actions
block = new Shape();
block.x= (i-row*22)*25;
block.y = row*25;
roadHolder.addChild(block);//add it to the roadHolder
} else if(lvlArray[i] is String){//if it's a string, meaning a special block
//then create a special block
block = new DirectBlock(lvlArray[i],(i-row*22)*25,row*25);
for(var c:int = 1;c<=16;c++){
if(i == c*22-1){
//if 22 columns have gone by, then we move onto the next row
//run these functions at the start

Now, if you test out your game, you’ll see nice little road set up for you. However, we need to keep that empty space in the bottom so we can add stats and other cool stuff.

Well, that concludes this first part of the tutorial. Next time we’ll make it so you can add turrets!

Step 2: Adding Turrets

Okay, so in this part of the tutorial, we are going to make it so when the user clicks on any of the empty blocks, a turret is created. The first step to take in to create a Turret class. You know the drill, create a new ActionScript File, save it as “Turret.as”, and type in the following code:

package{//creating the basic skeleton
imporProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

import flash.events.*;
public class Turret extends MovieClip{
private var _root:MovieClip;

public function Turret(){
//adding the required listeners
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, beginClass);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrameEvents);
private function beginClass(e:Event):void{
_root = MovieClip(root);

//drawing the turret, it will have a gray, circular, base with a white gun
this.graphics.drawRect(-2.5, 0, 5, 20);
private function eFrameEvents(e:Event):void{

if(_root.gameOver){//destroy this if game is over
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrameEvents);

This will be only the beginning of what we program into the Turret. Next, we have to define a function in the _root of the document that will create the turrets. Add this code to the bottom in your source .fla file:

function makeTurret(xValue:int,yValue:int):void{//this will need to be told the x and y values
var turret:Turret = new Turret();//creating a variable to hold the Turret
//changing the coordinates
turret.x = xValue+12.5;
turret.y = yValue+12.5;

addChild(turret);//add it to the stage

Now, we can finally make it so the turret is created when the user clicks on an empty block. Find the function thisClick() in “EmptyBlock.as”. Add the following code to that:

_root.makeTurret(this.x,this.y);//make the turret
//remove all the listeners so it can't be clicked on again
this.buttonMode = false;
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, thisMouseOver);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, thisMouseOut);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, thisClick);

Now, if you test out the game, a turret should appear whenever you click on any empty block!

Well, that’s it for this tutorial. Next time, we’ll add enemies and program them!

Step 3: Adding Enemies

Welcome back. In this part of the tutorial, we are going to add enemies to the field and we’re going to program them to move through the paths.

Let us begin by first creating an Enemy class. Do this by creating a new external ActionScript file saved as “Enemy.as” and adding the following code to it:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.*;
//defining the class
public class Enemy extends MovieClip{
private var _root:MovieClip;
public var xSpeed:int;//how fast it's going horizontally
public var ySpeed:int;//how fast it's going vertically
public var maxSpeed:int = 3;//how fast it can possibly go

public function Enemy(){
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, beginClass);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrameEvents);
private function beginClass(e:Event):void{
_root = MovieClip(root);//defining the root

//checking what the start direction is
if(_root.startDir == 'UP'){//if it's starting up
this.y = 300;//set the y value off the field
this.x = _root.startCoord;//make the x value where it should be
this.xSpeed = 0;//make it not move horizontally
this.ySpeed = -maxSpeed;//make it move upwards
} else if(_root.startDir == 'RIGHT'){//and so on for other directions
this.x = -25;
this.y = _root.startCoord;
this.xSpeed = maxSpeed;
this.ySpeed = 0;
} else if(_root.startDir == 'DOWN'){
this.y = -25;
this.x = _root.startCoord;
this.xSpeed = 0;
this.ySpeed = maxSpeed;
} else if(_root.startDir == 'LEFT'){
this.x = 550;
this.y = _root.startCoord;
this.xSpeed = -maxSpeed;
this.ySpeed = 0;

//draw the actual enemy, it's just a red ball
private function eFrameEvents(e:Event):void{
//move it based on x and y value
this.x += xSpeed;
this.y += ySpeed;

//checking what direction it goes when finishing the path
if(_root.finDir == 'UP'){//if it finishes at the top
if(this.y <= -25){//if the y value is too high
destroyThis();//then remove this guy from the field
} else if(_root.finDir == 'RIGHT'){//and so on for other directions
if(this.x >= 550){
} else if(_root.finDir == 'DOWN'){
if(this.y >= 300){
} else if(_root.startDir == 'LEFT'){
if(this.x <= 0){

//remove this from stage when game is over
public function destroyThis():void{
//this function will make it easier to remove this from stage
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrameEvents);

Now that’s a lot of code. The next thing we have to do is to add a function in the main “source.fla” that will add these guys to the field. But, let’s first create a bunch of variables that’ll help with the process. It’ll be simple. Just define them variable where all others are defined:

var currentEnemy:int = 0;//the current enemy that we're creating from the array
var enemyTime:int = 0;//how many frames have elapsed since the last enemy was created
var enemyLimit:int = 12;//how many frames are allowed before another enemy is created
var enemyArray:Array = new Array();//this array will tell the function when to create an enemy
var enemiesLeft:int;//how many enemies are left on the field
enemyArray = [//defining the array
[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],//1's will just represent an enemy to be created
[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],//another row means another level

Sweet. Now we can add an enterFrame function that’ll create the enemies for us. Add this to the bottom of your code:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);//adding an eFrame function
function eFrame(e:Event):void{
makeEnemies();//we'll just make some enemies

function makeEnemies():void{//this function will add enemies to the field
if(enemyTime < enemyLimit){//if it isn't time to make them yet
enemyTime ++;//then keep on waiting
} else {//otherwise
var theCode:int = enemyArray[currentLvl-1][currentEnemy];//get the code from the array
if(theCode == 1){//if it's set as 1
var newEnemy:Enemy = new Enemy();//then create a new enemy
enemyHolder.addChild(newEnemy);//and add it to the enemyholder
currentEnemy ++;//move on to the next enemy
enemyTime = 0;//and reset the time

Also, we have to create an enemyHolder. We should do this after the road is put down, so all the enemies will appear on top of it. Add this code right after we run the makeRoad() function:

var enemyHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();

Next, we have to count the amount of enemies that are going to be created. Add this code to the startGame() function:

for(var i:int=0;i<enemyArray[currentLvl-1].length;i++){
if(enemyArray[currentLvl-1][i] == 1){
enemiesLeft ++;

Now, there is one final thing to do in order to make these enemies work. Find the “DirectBlock.as” file for me, would you? Add this code to the beginClass() function:

if(directType == 'START'){
if(directType == 'START'){//if this is a start block
//then define the startDir and StartCoord based on it's coordinates
if(this.x == 0){
_root.startDir = 'RIGHT';
_root.startCoord = this.y;
} else if (this.y == 0){
_root.startDir = 'DOWN';
_root.startCoord = this.x;
} else if (this.x == 525){
_root.startDir = 'LEFT';
_root.startCoord = this.y;
} else if (this.y == 275){
_root.startDir = 'UP';
_root.startCoord = this.x;
} else {
//this level won't work if not any of these values
} else if (directType == 'FINISH'){//if this is a finish block
//then define the finDir based on it's coordinates
if(this.x == 0){
_root.finDir = 'LEFT';
} else if (this.y == 0){
_root.finDir = 'UP';
} else if (this.x == 525){
_root.finDir = 'RIGHT';
} else if (this.y == 275){
_root.finDir = 'DOWN';
} else {
//this level won't work if not any of these values

Next, add this code to the eFrame() function:

if(directType != 'START' && directType != 'FINISH'){//if this isn't a start of finish block
//then it'll act as a directioning block
for(var i:int = 0;i<_root.enemyHolder.numChildren;i++){//create a loop
var enTarget = _root.enemyHolder.getChildAt(i);//this will hold a certain enemy
//if the enTarget's coordinates are too close to this block
if(this.x >= enTarget.x - enTarget.width*.5 && this.x <= enTarget.x + enTarget.width*.5
&& this.y >= enTarget.y - enTarget.height*.5 && this.y <= enTarget.y + enTarget.height*.5){
//then move the enemy's direction based on what direction this block points to
if(directType == 'UP'){
enTarget.xSpeed = 0;
enTarget.ySpeed = -enTarget.maxSpeed;
} else if(directType == 'RIGHT'){
enTarget.xSpeed = enTarget.maxSpeed;
enTarget.ySpeed = 0;
} else if(directType == 'DOWN'){
enTarget.xSpeed = 0;
enTarget.ySpeed = enTarget.maxSpeed;
} else if(directType == 'LEFT'){
enTarget.xSpeed = enTarget.maxSpeed;
enTarget.ySpeed = 0;

Phew! That was a lot of code, wasn’t it? Well, what these snippets of code do is simply direct the enemies to where they should start and where they should go.

That’s all for this part of the tutorial. Next time, we’ll make the turret detect and attack the enemies!

Step 4: Making Turrets Attack Enemies

Well, it’s now time to let the enemies we just created be destroyed. Let’s dig in, shall we?

First, we’ll define a single health variable for the Enemy. Just add this code to “Enemy.as” where we define all of the variables:

public var health:int = 5;

Next, we’re going to have to create a new class. We’ve done this many times before, so hopefully I don’t need to remind you how to do it. Just create a new ActionScript file and save it as “Bullet.as”. Now, we’re just going to have to place a bit of code into it:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
public class Bullet extends MovieClip {
private var _root:*;
//these two variables below must be set to public so that we can edit them outside the class
public var target;//the target that this guy is moving towards
public var damage:int;//how much damage this guy inflicts on the enemy

private var xSpeed:Number;//how fast it's moving horizontally
private var ySpeed:Number;//how fast it's moving vertically
private var maxSpeed:Number = 5;//how fast it can go
public function Bullet() {
addEventListener(Event.ADDED,beginClass);//this will run every time this guy is made
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,eFrame);//this will run every frame
private function beginClass(e:Event):void {
_root = MovieClip(root);//setting the root

//drawing this guy (it'll be a small white circle)
private function eFrame(e:Event):void {
var yDist:Number=target.y+12.5 - this.y;//how far this guy is from the enemy (x)
var xDist:Number=target.x+12.5 - this.x;//how far it is from the enemy (y)
var angle:Number=Math.atan2(yDist,xDist);//the angle that it must move
ySpeed=Math.sin(angle) * maxSpeed;//calculate how much it should move the enemy vertically
xSpeed=Math.cos(angle) * maxSpeed;//calculate how much it should move the enemy horizontally
//move the bullet towards the enemy
this.x+= xSpeed;
this.y+= ySpeed;

if(this.hitTestObject(target)){//if it touches the enemy
target.health -= damage;//make it lose some health
destroyThis();//and destroy this guy
if(target == null || _root.gameOver == true){//destroy it if game is over
public function destroyThis():void{
//this function will just remove this guy from the stage
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);

The next thing we need to do is define some variables for the Turret. Open up “Turret.as” and add in the following code where we define the variables:

private var angle:Number; //the angle that the turret is currently rotated at
private var radiansToDegrees:Number = 180/Math.PI;//this is needed for the rotation
private var damage:int = 3;//how much damage this little baby can inflict
private var range:int = 100;//how far away (in pixels) it can hit a target
private var enTarget;//the current target that it's rotating towards
private var cTime:int = 0;//how much time since a shot was fired by this turret
private var reloadTime:int = 12;//how long it takes to fire another shot
private var loaded:Boolean = true;//whether or not this turret can shoot

Those are a lot of variables, aren’t they? Well, this is a pretty complex task, so we’re going to need all of them. So, brace yourself, for we are now going to jump into some code. Add this code to the eFrameEvents function in “Turret.as”:

var distance:Number = range;//let's define a variable which will be how far the nearest enemy is
enTarget = null;//right now, we don't have a target to shoot at
for(var i:int=_root.enemyHolder.numChildren-1;i>=0;i--){//loop through the children in enemyHolder
var cEnemy = _root.enemyHolder.getChildAt(i);//define a movieclip that will hold the current child
//this simple formula with get us the distance of the current enemy
if(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(cEnemy.y - y, 2) + Math.pow(cEnemy.x - x, 2)) < distance){
//if the selected enemy is close enough, then set it as the target
enTarget = cEnemy;
if(enTarget != null){//if we have a defined target
//turn this baby towards it
this.rotation = Math.atan2((enTarget.y-y), enTarget.x-x)/Math.PI*180 - 90;
if(loaded){//if the turret is able to shoot
loaded = false;//then make in unable to do it for a bit
var newBullet:Bullet = new Bullet();//create a bullet
//set the bullet's coordinates
newBullet.x = this.x;
newBullet.y = this.y;
//set the bullet's target and damage
newBullet.target = enTarget;
newBullet.damage = damage;
_root.addChild(newBullet);//add it to the stage
if(!loaded){//if it isn't loaded
cTime ++;//then continue the time
if(cTime == reloadTime){//if time has elapsed for long enough
loaded = true;//load the turret
cTime = 0;//and reset the time

Now, if you test the movie out, the turrets should be shooting at those darn red dots. Now, we have to make those dots die! In the eFrameEvents() function in “Enemy.as”, add the following code:

//remove this from stage when game is over

Pretty hot stuff, ain’t it? Well, this concludes the fourth installment of this tutorial. Join us next time when we make levels and have winning and losing scenarios!

Step 5: Winning/Losing the Game

Welcome back to the 5th installment of this tutorial series. In this lesson, we’ll make some playable levels, along with a winning and losing situation. Let’s dig in, shall we?

Lets start off by opening up the main source file. Find where this code is:

enemyArray = [//defining the array
[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],//1's will just represent an enemy to be created
[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],//another row means another level

Let’s review this code for a bit. Each of those arrays within that enemyArray represents a level. So, right now, we’re set up for 3 different levels, with an increasing amount of enemies in each level. Now that we’ve covered this, we can continue on to making it possible to advance levels.

In order to do this, we must open up “Enemy.as”. Find the destroyThis() function. Add this code to the bottom.

_root.enemiesLeft --;

Next, we’ll have to go back to “source.fla”. Find the eFrame() function. There should only be one line of code in there right now. We’re going to add some. Add the following code to the bottom of the eFrame() function:

if(enemiesLeft==0){//if there are no more enemies left
currentLvl ++;//continue to the next level
currentEnemy = 0;//reset the amount of enemies there are
startGame();//restart the game

Now, try testing out the game. Functionally, it’s working 100%. Practically, it’s not a great game. In order to make this game better, we’re going to have to show some information to the user while they’re playing, like the current level, the score, etc. This is exactly what we’re going to do now.

Create four dynamic text boxes at the bottom left portion of the stage, each at 12 point font. Here’s an example of what yours should look like, with an example of what information we’re going to put into them later:

The Text Fields

Got that? Now, we just have to give each of these dynamic text fields an instance name. Label them accordingly:

  • txtLevel
  • txtMoney
  • txtLives
  • txtEnemiesLeft

Now, let’s dive into some code, shall we?

The first thing we need to do is actually define the money and the lives variables. Just add this code to the top:

var money:int=100;//how much money the player has to spend on turrets
var lives:int=20;//how many lives the player has

Okay, good stuff. Let’s first make these two variables mean something before we update the text. We first have to make it so the player loses lives so he/she can lose the game. Open up “Enemy.as” and find this code:

//checking what direction it goes when finishing the path
if(_root.finDir == 'UP'){//if it finishes at the top
if(this.y <= -25){//if the y value is too high
destroyThis();//then remove this guy from the field
} else if(_root.finDir == 'RIGHT'){//and so on for other directions
if(this.x >= 550){
} else if(_root.finDir == 'DOWN'){
if(this.y >= 300){
} else if(_root.startDir == 'LEFT'){
if(this.x <= 0){

All we have to do is make the player lose a life after all of these conditionals. It should look like this now:

//checking what direction it goes when finishing the path
if(_root.finDir == 'UP'){//if it finishes at the top
if(this.y <= -25){//if the y value is too high
destroyThis();//then remove this guy from the field
_root.lives --;//take away a life
} else if(_root.finDir == 'RIGHT'){//and so on for other directions
if(this.x >= 550){
_root.lives --;
} else if(_root.finDir == 'DOWN'){
if(this.y >= 300){
_root.lives --;
} else if(_root.startDir == 'LEFT'){
if(this.x <= 0){
_root.lives --;

Next, we’ll make each of the turrets cost a certain amount of money. I’m thinking $20 is a good price. Open up “EmptyBlock.as” and find the thisClick function. Change it to this:

private function thisClick(e:MouseEvent):void{
if(_root.money >= 20){//if the player has enough money
_root.makeTurret(this.x,this.y);//make the turret
//remove all the listeners so it can't be clicked on again
this.buttonMode = false;
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, thisMouseOver);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, thisMouseOut);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, thisClick);

_root.money -= 20; //spend the money

Now, we can update these text fields. Once again, find the eFrame() function in “source.fla”. Add the following code which will update all the text fields with the needed information:

//Updating the text fields
txtLevel.text = 'Level '+currentLvl;
txtMoney.text = '$'+money;
txtLives.text = 'Lives: '+lives;
txtEnemiesLeft.text = 'Enemies Left: '+enemiesLeft;

Now, let’s create some winning and losing scenarios for the player. When the player has beaten all of the levels, then a win screen should show up. The same thing should happen with a lose screen when the player loses all of his/her lives. Let’s create these two frames, shall we?

Before, we create the frames, we have to add a layer called “labels”. This will just let us easily navigate to the required frames. Next, create a frame labeled “win” and add whatever message you want to inform the player that they’ve won. Do the same with a “lose” frame.

Now, we have to make it possible for the player to restart the game. We’ll let them do it by clicking anywhere on the screen. Copy and paste this code to the “win” frame.

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, restartGame);//adding a mouse event listener for clicking the stage
function restartGame(e:MouseEvent):void{
gotoAndStop(1);//go to the first frame
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, restartGame);//remove the listener

We don’t need to define the function again in the “lose” frame, so you can just add this code to it:

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, restartGame);//adding a mouse event listener for clicking the stage

All right, the next thing we have to do is navigate to the desired frame when the player wins or loses. Go back to “source.fla” and find the eFrame() function. Add the following code to the very beginning of it:

//if there aren't any levels left
if(currentLvl > enemyArray.length){
gameOver=true;//set the game to be over

//reset all the stats
currentLvl = 1;
currentEnemy = 0;
enemyTime = 0;
enemyLimit = 12;
enemiesLeft = 0;

removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);//remove this listener
removeChild(roadHolder);//remove the pieces of road
gotoAndStop('win');//go to the win frame
if(lives<=0){//if the user runs out of lives
gameOver=true;//set the game to be over

//reset all the stats
currentLvl = 1;
currentEnemy = 0;
enemyTime = 0;
enemyLimit = 12;
enemiesLeft = 0;

removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);//remove this listener
removeChild(roadHolder);//remove the pieces of road
gotoAndStop('lose');//go to the lose frame

Sweet. This concludes this installment of the tutorial series. Join us next time when we expand on the game!

Step 6: Expanding on the Game

Welcome to the 6th part of the tutorial, Expanding on the Game! Well, what do I mean by “Expanding”? Well, by expanding, I mean that we’re going to create more enemies and more levels. Sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it?

The first thing we’re going to do before creating stronger enemies is to make the enemies give you money when you kill them. This will be easy. Just open up “Enemy.as” and find this code in eFrameEvents():

//destroy this if health is equal to or below 0
if(health <= 0){

Just add the following code to the if statement:

_root.money += 5;

Now, we can continue on to making better enemies. Open up “source.fla” and find the makeEnemies function. We’re going to have some major renovations to this functions. Just replace the function with this new code:

function makeEnemies():void{//this function will add enemies to the field
if(enemyTime < enemyLimit){//if it isn't time to make them yet
enemyTime ++;//then keep on waiting
} else {//otherwise
var theCode:int = enemyArray[currentLvl-1][currentEnemy];//get the code from the array
if(theCode != 0){//if it isn't an empty space
var newEnemy:Enemy = new Enemy(theCode);//then create a new enemy and pass in the code
enemyHolder.addChild(newEnemy);//and add it to the enemyholder
currentEnemy ++;//move on to the next enemy
enemyTime = 0;//and reset the time

Okay, so the renovations weren’t too major. The only thing we changed was that instead of checking for the code of “1″, we check for any code that isn’t equal to “0″. Then, we pass that value into the Enemy class.

We’ll also have to make some changes in the startGame() functions. Don’t worry, they’ll be just as minor as the ones we just made. Replace the code inside of the function with this:

function startGame():void{//we'll run this function every time a new level begins
for(var i:int=0;i<enemyArray[currentLvl-1].length;i++){
if(enemyArray[currentLvl-1][i] != 0){
enemiesLeft ++;

The only thing we changed here was that now we check for all numbers not equal to 0, instead of just counting those set as 1.

Of course, now we’re going to have to make some changes to the Enemy class. Open up “Enemy.as” and find the topmost code where we define the variables and define the Enemy() function. Just replace that with this:

private var _root:MovieClip;
public var xSpeed:int;//how fast it's going horizontally
public var ySpeed:int;//how fast it's going vertically
public var maxSpeed:int = 3;//how fast it can possibly go
public var health:int;
public var level:int;//this will be set to the number passed in

public function Enemy(code:int){
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, beginClass);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrameEvents);

level = code;//set the level to the value passed in for use in other functions

Not too many changes have been made. Now, we’re using that variable that was passed into the Enemy() function and making it usable. We’re also making the health undefined so we can change it based on the level. In fact, let’s change them now. Add this to the top of the beginCode() function:

health = level*5;

This will set the health based on the level of the enemy. Next, let’s make him worth a bit more points, shall we? Find the code that we added in the beginning of the tutorial. Simply replace it with this:

_root.money += 5*level;

Now, we can make more levels with better enemies! You can customize your own levels, or use the ones I created by setting these values in the enemyArray:

enemyArray = [//defining the array
[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],//1's will just represent an enemy to be created
[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2],//another row means another level

Of course, I’d suggest creating your own levels, as mine aren’t what you would call the best. Anyways, this wraps up the second to last part of this tutorial. Join us next time when finish up this little game!

Step 7: Finishing Touches

Welcome back! This part of the tutorial is where we just add all of the finishing touches to the game! Unlike the other parts of the tutorial, I won’t comment any of the code I give you, as the knowledge you have learned from this tutorial should tell you what’s going on. Luckily for you, there aren’t too many finishing touches for us to make, so your brain won’t hurt too much.

One of the things I want to do is show the player the range of the turret. If you’ve ever played a tower defense game, you you should know what I’m talking about. A translucent circle will appear to show the player how far the turret can shoot. We’re going to show this both when somebody hovers over an empty block and when somebody hovers over a turret. Let’s start with hovering over an empty block.

Lets first start by opening up “source.fla”. Add this code to the top. Don’t ask any questions… or else…

var rangeCircle:Shape = new Shape();

Open up “EmptyBlock.as”, would you? Find the thisMouseOver() function and add the following code to it:

_root.rangeCircle.x = this.x;
_root.rangeCircle.y = this.y;

Find the thisMouseOut() function and add this code to it:


Add the same thing to the thisClick() function and the work will be done for empty blocks. Now, let’s do the same thing for Turrets.

Open up “Turret.as”. Add this code to the Turret() function (the main function):

this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, thisMouseOver);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, thisMouseOut);

Next, add these two functions to the end of the class:

private function thisMouseOver(e:MouseEvent):void{
_root.rangeCircle.x = this.x-12.5;
_root.rangeCircle.y = this.y-12.5;
private function thisMouseOut(e:MouseEvent):void{

Good stuff. Now, it should work if you hover over the turrets.

Now, what else can we add to our little game? The answer is: it’s up to you to decide what to add. It’s also up to you to use what you’ve learned to do it right. Thank you and good night.

Final Product

Source Files (Zipped)

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