In this tutorial I will show you how you can create a modern preloader with ActionScript 3. It is really easy to change the look of the preloader to fit for your needs!
Note: You need TweenMax to fully complete this tutorial.
Setting up the environment
1. Download an image that you want to load with the preloader.
2. Create a new Flash document that is the same size with your image.
3. Draw a circle without any stroke. Make it size 10×10. I used a grey fill color.
4. Convert the circle to a movie clip. Name it “PreloaderCircle” and set the registration point to the center.
5. Linkage the movie clip to a class named “PreloaderCircle“. If you are unfamiliar with movie clip linkage, please see the “ActionScript 3 External Classes” tutorial.
6. Remove the circle from the stage. We will create and position them with ActionScript 3.
Moving to ActionScript 3
7. Create a new layer for ActionScript and type the following.
//Impor TweenMax
import gs.*;
//We will add all the preloader circles to a holder movie clip
var holder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
//This array will contain all the preloader circles
var circles:Array = new Array();
//This for loop creates and positions 5 preloader circles horizontally
for (var i:uint=0; i < 5; i++) {
//Create a new preloader circle
var circle:PreloaderCircle = new PreloaderCircle();
//Set the x position for the circle
circle.x = i * 20;
//Set the "tweened" property to false since we haven't tweened the circle yet
circle.tweened = false;
//Add the circle to the circles array
//Add the circle to the holder
//Add the holder to the stage
//Position the holder to the center of the stage
var holderWidth:Number = holder.width;
var holderHeight:Number = holder.height;
holder.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - holderWidth / 2;
holder.y = stage.stageHeight / 2 - holderHeight / 2;
//Create a loader which loads the image
var loader = new Loader();
//Let's load the image.
//You can use your own URL here...
loader.load(new URLRequest("my_image.png"));
//Listen for the loading progress
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
//This function is called as the loading progresses
function progressHandler(e:ProgressEvent):void {
//Check how much has been loaded (in percentages)
var loadedPercentage:Number = (e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal) * 100;
//If over 20% is loaded, tween the first circle if it hasn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage > 20 && ! circles[0].tweened) {
//Tween the circle[0], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//If over 40% is loaded, tween the second circle if it hasn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage > 40 && ! circles[1].tweened) {
//Tween the circle[1], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//If over 60% is loaded, tween the third circle if it hasn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage > 60 && ! circles[2].tweened) {
//Tween the circle[2], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//If over 80% is loaded, tween the fourth circle if it hasn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage > 80 && ! circles[3].tweened) {
//Tween the circle[3], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//If 100% is loaded, tween the fifth circle if it hasnn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage == 100 && ! circles[4].tweened) {
//Tween the circle and call the function circlesTweened() when the tween is complete (this is the last circle).[4], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}, onComplete: circlesTweened});
//This function is called when the cirlces have been tweened (the image is loaded)
function circlesTweened():void {
//Loop through the circles
for (var i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) {
//Tween the circles to the left side of the stage.
//Call the function circleLeft() when the tween is finished[i], 0.5, {delay: i * 0.1, x: -200, alpha: 0, onComplete: circleLeft, onCompleteParams: [circles[i]]});
//This function is called when a circle is animated to the left side.
function circleLeft(circle:PreloaderCircle):void {
//Remove the circle from the stage
//Check if the circle is the last one (most right)
if (circle == circles[4]) {
//Remove the holder from the stage
//Get the bitmap from the loader
var bm:Bitmap = (Bitmap)(loader.content);
//Add the bitmap to a movie clip holder
var bmHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
//Add the bitmap holder to the stage
//Animate the bitmap holder
TweenMax.from(bmHolder, 1, {alpha: 0});
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