This tutorial is all about dragging an object around the stage. You will learn different ways to implement dragging. I’ll also show you how to add some animation with the dragging. So start your Flash IDE and let’s get going!
ActionScript 3 startDrag and stopDrag methods
The methods startDrag and stopDrag are probably the most easiest methods to implement dragging. Follow these steps and see yourself!
1. Create a new document of size 400×400.
2. Draw a ball of size 80×80 to the center of the stage.
3. Convert the ball into a movie clip called “ball”. Set the registration point to the center.
4. Create a layer for ActionScript and type the following.
//Add event listeners for the MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP
//events, so we know when to start/stop dragging.
ball.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
ball.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseReleasedHandler);
//This function is called when the user presses the mouse on the ball
function mouseDownHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
//This function is called when the user releases the mouse
function mouseReleasedHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
Now test your movie. You now have a draggable object on the stage!
NOTE: If you want to snap the center of the ball to the mouse position when dragging, replace the mouseDownHandler with the following.
//This function is called when the user presses the mouse on the ball
function mouseDownHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
That’s the basics of ActionScript 3 dragging. As you see, the dragging effect looks quite boring. Why not add some animation to it?
ActionScript 3 dragging with simple movement
The next piece of code moves the circle to the cursor’s coordinates in a constant speed when dragging. Erase the old ActionScript code and type the following.
//This variable tells whether the user is dragging or not
var dragging:Boolean = false;
//x and y speeds
var speedX:Number = 0;
var speedY:Number = 0;
//Overall speed
var speed:Number = 10;
//Add event listeners for the MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP
//events, so we know when to start/stop dragging.
ball.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseReleasedHandler);
//Add ENTER_FRAME which animates the ball movement
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);
//This function is called when the user presses the mouse on the ball
function mouseDownHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
dragging = true;
//This function is called when the user releases the mouse
function mouseReleasedHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
dragging = false;
function moveBall(event:Event):void {
//We only move the ball when the user is dragging
if (dragging) {
//Calculate the x and y distances from the ball to the mouse
var distanceX:Number = mouseX - ball.x;
var distanceY:Number = mouseY - ball.y;
//Calculate the distance from the mouse to the ball
var dist = Math.sqrt(distanceX*distanceX + distanceY*distanceY);
//If the distance is larger than 5, we move the ball
if (dist > 5) {
//Calculate the angle from the ball to the mouse
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(distanceY, distanceX);
//Calculate the new x and y speeds
speedX = Math.cos(angle) * speed;
speedY = Math.sin(angle) * speed;
//Move the ball to the new coordinates (closer to the mouse)
ball.x += speedX;
ball.y += speedY;
Test your movie and you should have the same animation as seen below.
Dragging with spring
The next piece of code applies a spring effect to the dragging. Erase the old ActionScript code and type the following.
//This variable tells whether the user is dragging or not
var dragging:Boolean = false;
//Spring variable (how strong the spring effect is)
var springFactor:Number = 0.2;
//Friction for the animatiom
var friction:Number = 0.9;
//x and y speeds
var speedX:Number = 0;
var speedY:Number = 0;
//acceleration for x and y speeds
var accX:Number = 0;
var accY:Number = 0;
//Overall speed
var speed:Number = 10;
//Add event listeners for the MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP
//events, so we know when to start/stop dragging.
ball.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseReleasedHandler);
//Add ENTER_FRAME which animates the ball movement
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);
//This function is called when the user presses the mouse on the ball
function mouseDownHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
dragging = true;
//This function is called when the user releases the mouse
function mouseReleasedHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
dragging = false;
function moveBall(event:Event):void {
//We only move the ball when the user is dragging
if (dragging) {
//Calculate the x and y distances from the ball to the mouse
var distanceX:Number = mouseX - ball.x;
var distanceY:Number = mouseY - ball.y;
//Update x and y accelerations
accX = distanceX * springFactor;
accY = distanceY * springFactor;
//Add the acceleration to the speed
speedX += accX;
speedY += accY;
//Add friction, otherwise the animation
//would go on forever.
speedX *= friction;
speedY *= friction;
//Move the ball to the new coordinates (closer to the mouse)
ball.x += speedX;
ball.y += speedY;
Test your movie!
Things are looking much more interesting now, don’t you think? In the next page, I’ll show you how to add a trail effect to the spring dragging.
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